Sensational Mossad operation: Shocking killing of Hamas chief with 2 Iranian agents and 3 bombs

Sensational Mossad operation: A big news has come out on the murder of Ismail Haniya that the plan to kill Ismail Haniya was to be done during his visit to Tehran when the funeral of former Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi would be held.

But instead of doing so, he has been killed now. The Telegraph report has told that the Israeli intelligence agency found out that Ismail Haniya was hiding in a building in Tehran, in which people with weapons were also present with him, so they ordered that instead of entering the building, the building should be directly blown up with a bomb and that is what was done, which led to the death of Ismail Haniya.

Mossad’s sensational operation: Initial plan

Initially it was planned to kill Ismail Haniya in May, but when he was brought to Tehran for the funeral of former Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi, that plan was cancelled due to the large crowd at that time because there was a lot of risk in it and if this plan was executed then many innocent people would have died.]

Sensational Mossad operation

So the plan had to be changed, two Mossad men planted bombs in three different rooms of a guest house in northern Tehran. The location was specifically chosen because Haniya was likely to be staying there.

The operation was carried out to kill Ismail Haniyen. Iranian officials told the Telegraph that surveillance footage showed Mossad agents secretly planting bombs in several rooms. After planting the bombs, they left Iran without turning back and upon leaving the place, they detonated the bomb, killing Ismail Haniyen.

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