Yogi government took a big step for Kavad Yatra, UP Chief Minister Adityanath Yogi said that all the shops selling food items on the routes of Kavad pilgrims in India will have to put a name plate in front of their shops.
In Uttar Pradesh, Adityanath Yogi decided that all the shops selling food items on the routes through which Kavad pilgrims travel will have to put a name plate in front of their shops, if they do not do so, then a challan can also be issued against that shop.
Why was the decision taken for Kavad Yatra ?
As we know, every year lakhs of people go on foot for Kavad, due to which this decision was taken keeping in mind their safety so that they can get the right material from the right place, in this the shopkeeper will have to write his name and the information of the material he is selling on the name plate and then it will have to be written so that the Kavad pilgrims can read your information and come near you and buy the material.
When does the Kavad Yatra start?
The Kavad Yatra starts every year in Sawan in which the true devotees with their devotion carry the Kavad and walk to the door of Shiva, in this they leave their home carrying water pots on their shoulders so that they can offer it to Shiva after reaching his door, in 2024 the Kavad Yatra will start from 22nd July in which all the devotees will leave their homes carrying the Kavad, keeping in mind their devotion, Adityanath Yogi ji has taken this decision.
These things are prohibited during Kavad Yatra
Our Shiv devotees complete Kavad Yatra with their devotion. In this, all the devotees carry Kavad and go to the door of Lord Shiva on bare feet. They walk without caring about themselves. The government has also imposed some restrictions on their devotion like Kavad Yatra cannot display any kind of weapons. A limited time has also been given to the DJs going in Kavad Yatra that how long can they use the DJ. If they break that time, then a fine is also imposed on them.
Who created controversy regarding Kavad Yatra?
IANS said that every year when Kavad Yatra takes place, a lot of compromises have to be made regarding the vehicles on the routes due to which the general public faces a lot of trouble, and they expressed their statements in such a way that the big vehicles which are banned during Kavad Yatra suffer a lot of damage due to which they want that rule to be removed.
BJP supporters raised questions on Kavad Yatra order
BJP leaders including its allies JDU, RLD have raised questions on the step taken by CM Adityanath Yogi regarding Kavad Yatra. They asked why should a common man who runs a shop put up a name plate. Due to a lot of debate on this, Muzaffarnagar police has announced that if the shopkeepers or other shopkeepers want, they can hang name plates outside their shops. Muzaffarnagar police was the first to pass the rule that all shopkeepers will have to put up name plates in front of their carts, on which the opposition was protesting strongly, due to which Muzaffarnagar police changed this rule.
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