The elimination of Hamas: Israeli PM Netanyahu promises

The elimination of Hamas: Today on 25th July, the Israeli PM announced in the US Parliament that the war will continue until Hamas is wiped out. Netanyahu said that Hamas is using Palestinian civilians as shields.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is on a continuous tour right now and he has already said in the US Parliament that he will not stop until Hamas is destroyed. He also demanded to increase US support for the war against Hamas and other Iran-backed armed groups.

The elimination of Hamas ( Full Information )

Netanyahu said that now we are very close to victory, and as soon as we win over Hamas, Iran will get a big shock. Along with this, he also talked about eliminating Hezbollah in his speech. He said that we care about our people, due to which we will eliminate all those who are a threat to our people. Netanyahu said that in this situation America should walk shoulder to shoulder with us.

What else did Netanyahu say in Parliament about “The elimination of Hamas”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel has allowed more than 40,000 aid trucks to enter Gaza but food is not reaching the Palestinians present in Gaza because Hamas is stealing it. In response to this, he said that we will eliminate Hamas completely.

He said that Hamas is trying to completely kill the Palestinians because they are continuously firing missiles and bombs on schools, mosques and crowded areas, which is killing thousands of people. He quoted Fatih Hamad, a senior Hamas official, as saying that he has claimed that it is beneficial for Palestinian women and children to become human shields.

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