Shooting on Donald Trump: How the security agency failed

Shooting on Donald Trump

Recently shooting on Donald Trump, So there has been a lot of discussion that the former President of the United States, which is considered to have the best security in the world, was shot at. Despite so much security, how did the weapons reach so close to Trump?

How did such a big negligence happen?

Now the question arises that when the former President of a country has to go to an open place, the security management of that place takes control of all the tall buildings around that place beforehand, but what happened this time that the person sat on such a tall building and from there he made the entire rally the target of his gun and their secret agency did not even get a clue.

It is also being said that this is someone’s conspiracy because not checking that building even after so much security seems to be the work of someone from inside. Talking about Donald Trump’s condition, he is fine now, the bullet just grazed his ear, but in that firing 2 people were seriously injured and one person died on the spot due to bullet injury.

  • Continuously the people there are raising questions that how was someone able to target Trump even after such tight security. Now the most capable officers of the FBI will investigate this and they will soon find out what was the reason and who hired that person to do this work. They will soon find out all the information.

Questions of the Public About ( Shooting on Donald Trump )

The public there is also angry on this fact that when the former president himself is not safe then how will the common people live? Does smuggling of guns still go on illegally in the US, because if such high advanced guns can be found there then it means that the racket may have more guns which are even more advanced than these, after all how did they come, a lot of questions are being raised on this too and soon the security agency there will expose this matter.

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